14th January 2016 – RYA Radar Course

Three students attended our first Radar Course for 2017 and it is always challenging to fulfil the different requirements that each student brings to the classroom. Two commercial skippers and a yachtsman who sails for pleasure.

The course essentially is the same: How to switch on your Radar and get a picture, how to tune your picture and understand the picture and most importantly what actions to take in restricted visibility and the limitations of radar.

Following the theory of radar the students spent most of the course using the radar simulators and very quickly came to understand why it is so important to know how to use radar.

Rule 19d suddenly has greater meaning, plotting a manual plot is a revelation and a new skill which the students go away with.

The key to the radar course is practice: I always tell my students to go and practice what they have learned so that it becomes second nature to them.

Maybe this raises the query whether the radar course should be run over two days? Theory and simulators on day 1 and a practical on day 2?

Posted in OneOcean Shorebased Training.